MONICA (Interkoneksi Jaringan Moratelindo & Otonomi Konten)

Akses Peering Global & Konten Premium dalam Satu Solusi.

Moratelindo Network Interconnect & Content Autonomous memungkinkan Internet Service Provider (ISP) untuk bertukar lalu lintas internet dengan berbagai International Exchanges (IXs) serta mengakses konten premium dari penyedia global. Dengan infrastruktur yang kuat dan konektivitas yang luas, layanan ini menghadirkan pengalaman internet yang lebih cepat, efisien, dan hemat biaya.


    Full Service Support
  • Bilateral & Multi-Lateral Peering Exchange
  • Virtual Circuit via IX
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)

    Strategic Service Locations
  • 6 Network Data Centers (NDCs)
  • 6 Point of Presence (PoP) Locations

    Upstream Connections to International Exchanges (IXs)
  • AMS-IX (Europe)| ANY2 (USA)| HK-IX (Hong Kong) | JP-IX (Japan) | EIE, Equinix (Singapore) | SG-IX (Singapore)

    Premium CDN Access for Maximum Performance
  • Google | Meta | Conversant | Akamai | Bladegrass | Cloudflare | Netflix | Wangsu


  • Cost Savings – Price includes interconnection between Data Center (DC) and Remote Peering Exchange (GIX).
  • Global Content Access – Connects ISPs directly to leading content providers worldwide.
  • Low Latency – Direct connections to IXs and CDN providers ensure faster response times.


  • Available starting at 1 Gbps.

Optimize your business with the best Internet service from Moratelindo!
Moratelindo is a trusted internet service provider in Indonesia, supported by a fully redundant submarine cable network and high-quality international upstream connections.

Trusted by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), telecommunications companies, corporations, SMEs, and retailers, we provide high-speed, stable, and secure internet solutions. Reduce disruption, improve performance, and get flexible connections that support your business' growth and digital transformation.

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