As a company that has a direct involvement with the community activities, the Company makes the best effort to be present in the community not only in its capacity as a trusted telecommunication infrastructure network provider, but also as an active participant in promoting better social and environmental development. This will be especially manifested by the Company through the commitment to implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs periodically in the nearest future especially on environmental, occupational and customer services areas.
Environmental Responsibility
The CSR program in the environmental field is implemented as part of the Company’s commitment in maintaining and participating to the nature conservation on a small yet consistent scale. The CSR policy in the environmental field focuses on the implementation, maintenance, and management of the office environment and surrounding the Company’s operational areas to minimize the possibility of negative environmental impacts, develop positive impacts, as well as utilize natural resources wisely.
Responsibility to Social and Community
Social responsibility in the social community field is performed through various assistance programs in the local community activities, such as religious activities and public health programs.
Occupational Responsibility
The responsibility in the employment field is implemented to maintain a good industrial relationship between the Company and all employees as the key in supporting the achievement of the Company’s targets. In the employment field, the Company continuously strives to fulfill the employee rights in accordance with the laws and Company Regulations, as well as providing various health and safety facilities for all employees.
Responsibility to Consumers
The Company always prioritizes customer satisfaction by improving the quality of products and services. The Company realizes that customer satisfaction will indirectly give an impact on the increase of trust that will ultimately resulting in business growth.
The CSR programs implemented by the Company are as follows: