PT Mora Telematika Indonesia telah berhasil menjadi perusahaan yang berstandar internasional sistem manajemen keamanan informasi (SMKI) ISO/IEC 27001:2005.
Keberhasilan meraih sertifikat standar internasional Information Security Management System (ISMS) ini setelah melalui mekanisme audit oleh lembaga sertifikasi (certification body) BSI pada Juli 2013.
Lembaga sertifikasi BSI melakukan assesment sistem manajemen keamanan informasi yang diterapkan PT Mora Telematika Indonesia untuk ruang lingkup: The management of information security in the provision of internet service provider and telecommunication at Data Center Batam.
Sebelumnya PT Mora Teleamatika Indonesia telah memiliki sertifikat sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001:2008.
Sekarang sistem manajemen perusahaan yang berkantor pusat di Menteng, Jakarta pusat, ini menjadi sistem yang terintegrasi yakni gabungan sistem mutu dan sistem keamanan informasi.
Hal ini sebagai bukti bahwa pimpinan perusahaan mendukung agar setiap karyawan bekerja dengan pola kerja yang berkualitas melalui penerapan ISO 9001-2008 disertai dukungan tata kelola keamanan informasi yang senantiasa konsisten sesuai mekanisme ISO/IEC 27001:2005.
Sumber :
Service and content providers are rapidly migrating to next-generation networks to meet customers' insatiable demand for reliable broadband services over any device anytime, anywhere. This on-demand network must be flexible and scalable enough to support new technologies and applications.
Service and content providers are rapidly migrating to next-generation networks to meet customers' insatiable demand for reliable broadband services over any device anytime, anywhere. This on-demand network must be flexible and scalable enough to support new technologies and applications.
Many of our customers have requirements that are specific to their applications and production processes, we Provide a tailor made solution to ensure a formulations at above market standards. Our dedicated team of experts, with strong experience and knowledge, will be glad to work with you to find the best solutions for the enhancement of your innovation process.
Deliver customer service with high quality both pre and after sales with customer engagement is increasingly at the center of a successful business, and outstanding service is a key component to building mindshare and loyalty.